Calm before the Storm.

Up early (again) this time to go into my old school for the french trip prep l’m doing .
Saw this lovely sky as l looked out of the window first thing.
Used to see this often when l was teaching, since retiring less often :-)
Had to take the back seat down in the car to fill it with all the shopping l’ve been doing over the summer for the trip.
Finally got our spare room back which will please Mr P as he has plans for it.
Good to see friends and colleagues and some of the pupils.
Was lovely to see an ex pupil of mine who l taught over twenty years ago is now training to be a teacher herself.
Lots done, busy day but very enjoyable but it still confirmed lm glad lm out of it.
Back tomorrow for a couple of hours and then they will be all set for departing on Sunday.
Heavy rain and a near gale as l left, so different from this morning.
Hope everyone in the U.K. is safe x

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