The Ghost Of Christmas Past
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
I spent a lot of my morning at work with people asking what had happened to my face. And then laughing.
The Doctor found it particularly funny. Five years ago on a Christmas night out, he was hammered, slipped on black ice and cut the back of his head as a crowd of us were on our way to a karaoke bar. Being a wise chap. he asked a couple of colleagues to look at it. They ‘triaged’ him (in the dark) and assured him it ‘wasn’t too bad’ before sympathetically requesting that he stopped bleeding long enough so we could get in. I ‘helpfully’ provided him with a tissue.
I went home after the karaoke bar but a few of the stragglers, including him, went off to Fingers until 4am. When he woke up in the morning, he had a thumping headache and It looked like his pillow had been on a night out in an abattoir.
The headache didn’t subside and he came back after the Christmas break having spent it in hospital with cellulitis. It would appear that taking the sound medical advice of his drunken colleagues to stay out and continue drinking may not have been the best course of action.
He has never been on a work Christmas night out since.
Apparently, Sambuccas were the cause of that misadventure.
There’s a moral there somewhere...
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