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By pplnani

Muffin Maker

Sorry about the lack of a decent blip today but I am doing battle with a migraine. The headache is not too bad now but I still can't see brilliantly.
I think I overdid it with my walk at the weekend, I have M.E. and should really know my limits after 18 years but it was so nice out there I just didn't want to stop walking but I'm paying for it now.
I needed to keep going today so I decided to make some muffins as they are Mr PN's favourites.
I really wanted to get down to the hospital today as they are supposed to be making the decision about where Dad will be going but I just didn't feel up to it, I'm sure my mum and brother will sort everything out but I still feel guilty.
It has taken me ages to do this blip as 1) I can't see so well today and 2) I typed it all up and accidently pressed the wrong button and it all disappeared. Not to worry - tomorrow's another day :-)

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