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By PoWWow

Almosts, in Autumn

Around four hours earlier than my recent get-up time as of late, I packed myself up once again like a donkey + made my slow way on trams. trains + motorways down to the sparkling lights of Capital City.

On the road again, I feel tired.

Nothing that a constant string of commuter coffees won't handle though, fused in with the impending elation of being reunited with my great old mate, Kate. The added anticipati0n struck with fierce impatience as I chugged my way across London, huffing on public transport but similarly reminding myself that I would only have been lost on the other side of the river grappling with my novelty tourist map if had I been on my bicycle. In short, my dear old friend is about to pop + I was determined to get to throw myself around her swollen tummy of wonder before we left the country once again.

We spent the afternoon exchanging the wonderful steaming tea clad chats that we used to saunter into everyday snuggled on a sofa or a comfy bed all those years ago when we shacked up together, although the conversation topics have dramatically changed somewhat. I got to hold her warm tummy + feel the unfamiliar movements of a whole new life force writhing around in their warm safe place, and beam with weepy eyes as Kate, so naturally maternal, would soothe + stroke + hold her pregnant state as if she'd done it a hundred times before. This baby might not know it yet, but they've hit a lucky strike with this delicious set-up, I can't wait to meet you in the Spring, little lad or little lass...

I am a fine fan of a great contrasting environment, and it was without doubt that I was going to get it as I donkey'd it back across London down to the dark depths of Brixton to meet my ace mate Suzy. Like a wide eyed country bumpkin, I was as ever, completely enthralled at the exciting places she took me to. As the great elated hazy and humorous evening unfolded, we weaved our way in and out of some jaw tickling situations and seemingly the only time that the huge smiles left our faces was when the dubba-ghabba-rasta super mega cool joint closed for the night.

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