Oh What a Night

I cycled to work today so that Alan could take the flat tyre in the other car and he dropped it off in the hope it could be repaired.  Luckily it was a only a pressure sensor that needed replacing, the tyre was ok, so they ordered the part which was delivered today, and it was ready for Alan to collect later.

It was a very enjoyable cycle ride as it felt really warm although it was quite windy, and I left home early enough to be able to start following the snail trail.  Snailspace is basically a trail of snails around Brighton & Hove, like the Snowdogs a couple of years ago and I found about 5 of them this morning and during my lunch time walk.  

Alan and I drove into town this evening and we met Droog and Mrs Droog who are in Brighton for a couple of days.  We met on the pier, and I could see the sun setting over the sea as we were driving, but by the time I'd got there it had practically disappeared, but the sky was such an amazing colour and I've done nothing with this photo to enhance it.

Alan took a photo of the three Blippers and Droog had an idea of a three-way blip - he took a photo of me, while I took a photo of him and Mrs Droog took a photo of us taking our photos of each other (have I lost you yet?)  I've added my photo of Droog to my extras as well as the one of the three of us.  It was lovely to meet them both and we spent a couple of hours chatting over a few drinks.   Sorry guys for letting the side down with not posting my three-way shot as my main blip, I even pushed Brian to the sidelines when I saw the sunset shot!

It's taken me ages to write this blip as I'm falling asleep, and it's another day that I'm behind on commenting - I promise to try and catch up tomorrow x

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