
By momcat1


First of all I am going to apologize  for not getting to anyone's journals over the last few days - it has been a very busy weekend. One last batch of pickles , hopefully the last batch of tomatoes, a football game , lawn mowing to catch up on and tonight Messiah rehearsals started. And more. SO it is 11:45PM once again and  I have to go in early tomorrow so I can catch up on what I did not do on Friday because I had to return the lease car and so I can leave at 5 PM tomorrow so I can pick  up the new car . I am a little nervous cuz I bought  Honda Clarity and it has more electronics than I think I will know what to do with > and no CD player. I am struggling with that one.
So this AM when the cat woke me up early I went for a walk in the wide , wide , foggy world and found webs everywhere. I was trying to get a selection , but no funnel webs were to be found. However this one was my favorite . The extras are some of the others that were accessible and amenable to photography. 

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