World Clean Up day

Today was World Clean Up day...all over Ibiza there were various groups you could join to collect rubbish. We went and joined in with Bsplash...a charity a friend founded, and the charity who I do some photography for. We had a brilliant time collecting rubbish - Asha really got into it...her Bsplash t-shirt reached her knees almost! Ha! As you can see from the blip, the sky was pretty impressive, and it wasn't too long before we had to run for cover as the heavens opened!! Thunder, lightening, torrential rain - the lot! Our main concern was keeping Asha's castes dry...Nate got soaked through! It all added to the fun though! A brilliant morning.
(Also, you wouldn't believe how much rubbish there was when you started looking!!!)

Today I'm grateful for;
1) passionate about working towards a more sustainable Ibiza (see extra of her). I'm grateful for people like her inspiring the next generation.
2) Coffee with Sofie's sister.
3) Sole calling us when she found a drunk homeless Brit...I loved that we were the ones she thought to call. I love that there's more crossover between the Roma and the homeless community.

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