Water, Water Everywhere .......

Woken early this morning with a howling gale rattling the blinds in the bedroom and bucketing rain battering the windows and overflowing the pond big style.
Still - at least it wasn't as bad as it was in Perthshire.

SWMBO, Bags, LML, the Cygnet and I all went out for drinks and snacks in an effort to try and stop cabin fever setting in with the Cygnet (if he doesn't get out for fresh air every day he is a nightmare).

Of course, I had to snap my favourite tank in the aquatic department

He may have been wearing his new boots on the way in - but he was wearing new wellies on the way out, which meant he was able to do some serious puddle jumping on the way back to the car.

Coffee with friends in the afternoon and diner with Bags rounded off the day.

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