
By ChezRobz

Day 1 - "You and Your Child"

Today I asked lifeofh to join me in a 30 day photography challenge. It was first thing this morning during a night feed that I stumbled across the page and I had SO many ideas for the first entry....

However, little man woke a fair few times last night for feeds (he has a blocked nose, poor monkey) and I woke feeling like death warmed up. My mother is awaiting a knee replacement and needed to go into work to sort some bits and pieces, wanted to show the baby off so I was dragged out of bed and off we went to the hospital. As per usual he was a proper little charmer. We went back to my mothers house and I helped her sort some of my sisters old possessions. TOli joined us int he evening and we made it home just in time for bath time and bed. I was sat watching Oli splashing Noah in the bath when I remembered the 30 day challenge....


I grabbed the camera, set up the shot just in time to get the baby and feed him in bed. I was going to use a tripod and remote but Oli hit the trigger for me. This is a ritual for us so it's apt that it's our first photo of the challenge. Every night I feed him and put him down, lay next to him and watch him as he dozes off. It's not a particularly great shot but it'll do. Also I'm sporting some SERIOUS Diana Ross hair. Hehehehe.

H on the other hand, had a cracking blip today

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