Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters


100 Blips at Dawn

Hooray !! this is my 100th blip :)

Perhaps not a great photo as I am still experimenting with my old Nikkor lens and have to estimate the aperture and exposure. Almost got it right perhaps - but more a case of missing the best pastel shades of dawn by a few minutes. It is amazing how fast the sky can change colour. Literally you can blink and miss it. We will persevere however.

Now there are only 265 more blippin days to go. I keep running out of ideas. This is the problem of working every day from just after Dawn and until well after dark. It means that 5 days a week you do not really have a chance to get out and about to take interesting shots. Today's attempt is another one out of our bedroom window. The very early morning sky is very moody these days (message to Lounardo - probably something you have yet to experience looking out from under that duvet!)

A very antisocial day at work - hardly saw a soul. It was just one of those days where you are head down and 'beavering' away on the computer. I was once again re-writing our multimethodology paper in the hope that it will eventually get published. It should do as it is very important - in my humble opinion and could solve an awful lot of 'wicked' or complex problems. It was a day of silly big words; sociotechnical; reengineering; sociomateriality; and someone had even invented a neoligism called infrastructuralisation OMG !!

101 tomorrow !! I wonder if I can find any Dalmatians ......

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