
By hebsauntyval

M6 lights

On our way home from Liverpool tonight.
Had a fantastic night last night at the Philharmonic listening to the Royal Philharmonic Youth Orchestra playing `The Planets`, Variations on America and Elgars Cello Concerto with none other than Julian Lloyd Webber, the man is genius
The music was stunning at one point I was moved to tears...along with Hebs and Chris. Manages to get my ticket signed by Mr. Lloyed Webber at the interval as he had run out of copies of his CD.
After the concert on out way back to my Mums, we had the grand evening tour of Liverpool courtesy of my cousin Lennie who was our taxi driver, he showed us parts of the city I had never seen for years and some bits I havent seen at all.
Lazy day today, did a bit of gardening for Mum before setting off for home.
Had forgotten the memory card for my camera so had to make do with the phone....

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