Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Hummer Battle

These two hummingbirds were really going after each other this afternoon at the feeder.  Wing fluttering and dive bombing at each other..I don't know if they are courting or just having fun.      I grabbed the camera at just the right time to get both of them in a shot out the window.   

We drove over to my son's house in Columbia today to take him our spare camping coffeepot so he can make coffee on his gas stove when the power goes out.   And it will..and it will rain buckets for two or more days!   We took our dog with us and it was the first time Gypsy got to meet the new pup, Maggie.   So funny..Maggie wanted to play but Gyp just was not having anything to do with that yapping long-legged girl.  Gyp tried to hide behind Brett on the sofa and when Maggie got up on the sofa too, I swear my dogs eyes rolled up white in her head like she was scared to death.   Bless her heart, she slept in the backseat all the way home!  Worn out from evading a 3 month old!  

According to the latest Hurricane Florence will actually ride the shoreline slowly and will be hanging around for two or three days of rain and wind..gusting up to 75mph and more where we are.      Waiting for it to get here is very to do things but nothing left to do except last minute things like move things off the porch, fill the big water containers, wash a load of clothes, things I am doing tomorrow.   And making brownies..comfort food to go with the milk we might be forced to drink before it goes bad from the heat.   

Exciting times are going to happen here.  Hoping to get some sky photos before it turns really ugly but maybe not.  

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