The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Small Things

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was a bit tired today which meant it was one of those days at work where I had to constantly talk myself out of being disproportionately annoyed about little things.

Then I came home. Over dinner, The Mini Princesses were chattering about their day. The Youngest Mini Princess had a French test last week. Her teacher had decided not to include the mark for one of the questions as she hadn’t realised that the vocabulary isn’t in their text book.

YMP is outraged as she HAD THE RIGHT ANSWER and THEY HAD DEFINITELY LEARNED THAT VOCAB IN CLASS. She even had proof as she had taken a screenshot of the work!

‘My mark ended up being 21 out of 22 instead of 22 out of 23 which LOWERED MY OVERALL PERCENTAGE’

By a whole 1%!!!’

Her rant cheered me right up.

Being disproportionately annoyed must be genetic!


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