
By dennismccoy79


It has been a hectic few days since we returned from our short break in Noirmoutier. First thing each morning we pack the trailer (actually, we have usually done some consultancy work even before that), go over to the new house, empty the trailer, sort out any issues with or between the tradesmen, unload the trailer, work in the house (cleaning-up, preparing for decorating, lifting and carrying for tradesmen, arranging the garage, taking rubbish to the dump etc. etc.).  Then we come back to Lentillac, swallow lunch, load up the trailer for the second time and go through the whole process again in the afternoon.  Home by 7 pm, quick dinner, catch up on things, flop into bed ready for the next day.  Unusually, we hit a traffic jam in Saint Céré this evening because a stupid circus was setting up in the main square.  Extra work yesterday and today included writing up a research report.  Time to catch some ZZZzzzzzzzzs

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