
By CharChar

Meeting the main man...

Mickey Mouse!

Today started with a picture with Mickey as he was conviently in our hotel. After a quick photo shoot we went to the Buffett breakfast restaurant in our hotel and filled up on crepes and waffles for a busy day ahead.

We started off in Disney Studios doing a back lot tour which shows you all the film sets and how they do stunts. Followed by a ride on a magic carpet with Aladdin.

We popped back into magic kingdom to get some castle shots with my Polaroid before heading back to Disney studios to sit in a French bistro outside watching the world go by.

We then fancied an ice cream as it was sooo hot today and needed cooling down so it was back to magic kingdom to the gellato and it was very yummy indeed and came with a Mickey Mouse wafer!

Tonight we have been in the hot air balloon which we timed really well as the firework show was going on while we were up in the air! Can’t say I was a massive fan of the hot air balloon but at least I can tick that off the list!

Ending the night with a lovely Italian meal and a large glass of wine much needed after that hot air balloon!

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