Gitama's World

By Gitama

Revisiting Old Images

I came across this old photo of me as I was trying to get some order in my photo library (which still hasn't) happened and thought I would have a bit of a play with it ...just to see what would turn up. It was a rage back then (I think I was about 34) to go down to the Rocks get dressed up and have yer picture was fun.
Well the little play lasted over two days and to be honest I have spent so long at the computer fiddling with it I just couldn't take a pic....  and  then spend more time fiddling in post......but I have to say this has been a lot of my day so I think appropriate for my journal. It is another image for my course.
Since feeling considerably better from the lurgy I have been getting up earlier....its amazing though...still the hours fly by and there are so many things to fill up those extra ones with. It feels  soooo good to have a bit of energy back though. Life is starting to feel good again.

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