Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

This is getting serious!

Up ready for Pilates... but, while eating my porridge, another thought came into my mind... Yes, you've guessed it - Why Pilates? I find it quite boring, and don't think it's doing me any good - what I need to do is concentrate on swimming, which will do me good. So, I reasoned over my coffee, if I don't go to Pilates today, I could go to swimming instead. Besides, the Pilates course was only £12, so I'm not really wasting money - I'd use that in a couple of scone and coffee breaks, which I don't do now. So much.

The 4 stop filter that I bought because the one I wanted was too dear didn't do much yesterday. I resolved to go and swap it for the one I wanted. After all, photography is my hobby. I could have a more expensive hobby like golf. Or sky diving.

And so I was waiting at the bus stop to take me to the Camera shop. I had my tripod slung around my shoulders, and my camera bag on my one shoulder. I was fiddling with my phone when the bus came. An old lady was getting off, and I waited for her to alight.

She smiled at me, and I thought she was going to comment on the weather, as we all do (the word of the day is 'fresh!' - said with a shudder) but she said,

'Is that your bag?' and pointed into the bus shelter. And there it was - my camera bag!!

This is getting serious!! Twice in two days I have forgotten it! I'll have to be really careful - I've been lucky so far.

'You'll be getting fed up with me!' I cheerfully announced my arrival in the camera shop. He was too polite to answer in the affirmative, and couldn't lie, so he kept shtum.

However, filters swapped, the expensive one purchased, I took a bus down Lothian Road, perchance to take some long exposures like Mark's ghost bus. I perched myself in the middle of the road (at a pedestrian crossing) - not the prettiest view (I mean the road, not me perched) and it was very very windy and not at all pleasant. I took a couple of shots, and it began to rain. So I left it at that for today. Not terribly marvellous, but it's my first really LE, and I will improve. I will.

As I was leaving the crossing, there was no traffic, although the wee red stop man was glowing. I was about to step out, when I heard the mum next to me explaining to her wee boy that you must wait for the green man. So I stepped back and waited for the green man. We smiled at each other. (The mum and I).

Back home and off to the swimming pool as per arrangement over coffee. I managed to do two lengths (separate ones) of the front crawl, breathing. Not a pretty sight, I think. Possibly looking as if I'm trouble - lots of splashing, moving slowly, slightly drowning. I keep forgetting to kick when I turn to breathe. When I concentrate on kicking I forget to breathe. It's like learning to drive, doing all those things without thinking.

I now shall spend the afternoon catching up on The Killing, Homeland and Secret State. My industrious morning is rewarded.

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