Making happy

A nice Sunday.

Nothing major, nothing too adventurous, no cleaning, no slaving over a hot oven for hours, an easy-going trip to the supermarket to buy for one day instead of a whole week, a hot chocolate with a pecan twist.

(Ha ha... that's made me laugh... Not just a twist in the tale but a pecan twist...
Just me then... )

A new woolly scarf, a new book for Tess.

Then coats and boots and gloves and scarves on, and a pootle about on Barricane beach at Woolacombe in the fading Winter afternoon light.
I let the family wander off while I had some time alone with the camera and the yellow light.
I can't help thinking about blipfoto when I take photos. I often wonder which - if any - of my photos will be any good and whether anyone will look at them. This was taken on full zoom and I wacked the ISOs up quite high so the quality isn't great. But today I chose this one because I like the shape and balance of the small circle of sun on the upper left and the swerve on the lower right, and today was about me thinking about feeling well and feeling contented and balanced and not what others might think. (Other people's opinions usually confuse me anyway!)

I'm rather fond of Woolacombe.

I'm also rather fond of simplicity and thingless days.
Being in a beautiful place, feeling calm and just enjoying being, beats anything and any thing

The evening was a bit more complicated: Gemma's going to 2 uni open days this week which means a lot of train travel around the London area and involved some careful planning.

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