Let’s go to the ball game
Woke up far too early after a late I should night of enjoyment! We went to church to find two huge fire engines outside, various people in various uniforms some with plumed hats and swords! Today mass was a thank you to the first responders: firefighters, medical staff and the police. And the first responders of the future: the scouts of today! It was also a memorial to the events of 9/11 in 2001.
As one speaker said it’s one of those dates seared into so many memories. People remember what they were doing that day!
Back to the house and we had a drink and something to eat and we were off to the ball game! Oakland A’s did well! They beat the Texas Rangers 3 - 7 with some great play!
We walked part of the way home from the Colosseum along the ‘Bay Trail’. Along the San Leandro bay: a beautiful day. Lots of aniseed plants and birds along the shore! Ro trying to keep walking and daughter and I taking photos! I was glad when we were picked up near High Street!
Must go and help: tacos for dinner.
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