Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Bath time!

After another horrible night (this time with Matt only happy to sleep upright on me) I bathed this boy this morning.

New to me bath means I could bath on my own, even with my splint from my tendonitis. He loves the bath. Not a great fan of getting out of the bath despite heated towel and me being mega happy to convince him everything is fine. He decided to scream until the car was moving.

Day spent at parents sleeping,.feeding etc. I was hoping it would be more enjoyable by now, but I seem to just be surviving. I dread the nights as he doesn't sleep well and therefore neither do I.

He's also suddenly become so easily distracted. He turns his head mid feed to look at Mark if he hears his voice! Makes for very long, painful and frustrating feeding!

Plus side....still cute and his smiles are amazing!

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