Trail Photography
These collage photos are some of the reasons why I am happiest in the woods along a trail. Kind of like street photography only without buildings. Not really landscape but is. Natural still lifes but not set up by me. Nature at its finest poses.
Trees and shadows
Creek Rocks
Shadowy paths (which are usually cool!)
Leaves - especially one hanging by a thread
Bugs and caterpillars (that green thing was a first! Caterpillar lady Deb, give me a clue what it is!)
Bridges of the creek
And things you can't see..just feel.
Fresh air
Footsteps on the earth
Silence (except for the creek burbling..but that is so peaceful!)
The smell of dirt
Time spent with friends who use no words when we spot something on the trail and just point..and smile at each other.
Even though I was hot, sweaty, dirty, tired, sore, hungry, thirsty...I could have stayed for hours more.
"In every walk in Nature, one receives far more than he seeks." John Muir
I am still basking in what I received yesterday.
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