
My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

The good news is that Cazza is feeling a lot better. The bad news is that I am feeling a lot worse.

How is THAT karmically fair? After I spent yesterday taking care of Cazza? I ask you.

Although on some level, I do quite like taking care of people. I think I would have made a good mum, if not for that whole "squeezing someone out of your fanny" thing. Mainly on account of lack of fanny, but also ooya.

But really, it is important that you appreciate just how sick I am. Think Julia Roberts in "Steel Magnolias" level of ill here. In fact I think Julia was laying it on a little thick if you ask me. Take an aspirin and walk it off, Julia! 


But back to me. I was all feverish and quivery last night. And had lots of weird dreams. See, the last thing I did before going to bed was talk with the Princess, but then in bed I listened to a "Great Courses" course entitled The Early Middle Ages.

So in my dream, the Princess was telling me all about the origins of the Carolingian Empire, and the Great Schism of 1054. It was kind of weird. The lecturer has never inserted fanny jokes before.

So I slept fitfully and today I've been very bravely flopping about and sighing dramatically. Occasionally I'll even get off the couch, after making an "Ooooowwwaaaah!!" noise. 

Meanwhile, Cazza has even gone OUT! With IRD Linda! Leaving me all alone here in my BED OF PAIN.

But no, no, don't worry about me. Perhaps I'll be able to choke down a little soup later... Now it is time for my drugs.


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