Sooooo..................... this afternoon Ann came home from work and said, 'Molly, it is our friend, Diane's birthday, and she is having a BBQ this afternoon/evening. We will go to Diane's for ONE drink and incorporate your afternoon walk into our socialising.'

It takes about 20 mins to walk to Diane's house and it involves walking through some fields so I was all happy and bouncy.

…...............Best laid plans and all that. We were the first to arrive and Ann said, 'Thanks for inviting us but I'm only going to have ONE drink cos I'm going out tonight.'

Sooooooo...................... Ann had THREE drinks. And various people fed me little bits of pizza and sausage rolls when they thought Ann wasn't looking. And then, when Diane's son started to cook the most yummy smelling food on the BBQ, Ann said, 'Molly, we need to go home now.'

Boohooo......................... Can you believe that? Ann actually made me leave just as the sausages, burgers and other yummy things were being cooked??? Sometimes I think that Ann doesn't love me at all.

And now I've had boring dry food for my dinner and Ann's off out to see the fabulous 'Marky Dawson' at the 'Golden Lion'.


PS – See extras. We met all these lovely new people this afternoon.

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