Capital adventures

By marchmont

Let it Bleed

My friend Ali makes cakes.  My friend Ali  makes GREAT cakes.  This is her homage to both The Rolling Stones and 'St' Delia - a replica of the Let it Bleed album cover created by Delia in 1969.  It was our friend Les's 60th.

How can we be 60?  I remember his surprise 30th, up in Provost's Circle. I was a young mum, #1 son was 8 months old.  We've all been friends for so long; births, weddings, a divorce, children and now grandchildren, being together in Inverurie and now scattered across the country.  But still we come together to celebrate the important times.  You can't be without your friends.

So today we started off in thick fog in Portsmouth and then after a rest it was back for the party.  Fantastic food, lots of drink, squeebs, our resident piper and a bit of dancing - although I'd run out of steam by that time.  And that wonderful cake.

18 go mad in Netley!

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