Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

New Skillz

Today Eve learned to cycle! She managed all the way along the prom to the Dalriada, insisting she be left to do it herself, weaving precariously through the Sunday strollers, scraping walls, narrowly avoiding dogs and small children, but nevertheless she did it!

It hasn't been an instant process by any means but it has been a reasonably painless one. I clearly remember learning to ride my bike, it took a lot of grit and determination and also blood, sweat and tears before I mastered it. I think I learned on my brothers old Grifter which was a heavy bugger but I thought it was the height of cool and I wanted it badly.

Learning to ride a bike is a fantastic accomplishment. It comes with a new sense of independence, freedom and responsibility. Cycling still plays an important role in my life and I can't wait to go out for wee rambles with Eve in the future.

A new skill is learned, another rite of passage completed. The minutiae of cycling such as starting, stopping and direction are still grey areas but that will come with time. Next up on the 'what I am going to learn when I am 5' is being able to competently read and write and swimming, oh and I might get her some roller skates for Christmas... Bring it on...

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