Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Building Elements #134…Demolition & Site Clearance

.....the latest in an occasional series tagged buildingelements

Someone told me that the elderly wooden shelter on the seaward side of the bowling green is due for the chop sometime soon so I thought it (or rather the scaffolding currently holding it up!) merited a blip before it disappeared......sadly I've a sneaking suspicion it won't be replaced with anything more elaborate than a couple of park benches, which is a shame........

Called in on 'The 2 J's' from Make, Do and Mend......Jane had a fall in the kitchen of the care home they live in a few weeks ago, broke her hip and has ended up having a replacement fitted (and yes, she insisted on showing me her scars and telling me how many enemas she'd had to I may be skipping lunch!) She's lost a fair amount of weight, but hopefully the chockies I was delivering from 'the MD&M ladies' will go some way towards helping her pile the pounds back on ;-)   

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