Swimmers' Log Book


Birthday Cake

Well, I’ve had one of the best birthday’s today, and been made to feel so special in the simplest of ways. My student teacher gave me a card, after noticing that I’d written ‘my birthday’ in my diary. One of my new pupils did the same, as apparently I’d mentioned that it was my birthday tomorrow when wishing yesterday’s birthday boy a happy day. I got many, many Facebook birthday messages; the first from my lovely head, and lots from people I haven’t seen for years. I had a good second day with my class- no dramas so far! Then after school I was spoilt rotten by my family, starting with the best smiley welcome from Cici and Vik as I pulled up, and followed with well chosen gifts, an amazing stew-with-dumplings, perfectly decorated cake, another smiley welcome from the McDobbs on FaceTime, and lots and lots of cuddles from everyone!!!
The evening ended with giggles with Chloe, Grandma and Grandpa (who knew that learning Italian could be so much fun?) (who knew that my mother used to antagonise ants as a child, and then taste their acidic ‘pee’?) (Italian word for ant linked to formic acid, excreted by said creatures) (be careful not to confuse ‘dog’ with ‘meat’ - Grandpa, “I ate the dog”).
Finally, I got out my trusty German dictionary (don’t ask!) to sticky-back-plastic Heidi’s books, ate a Wispa (washed down with a G&T) and had a good old chat with my boy.
I’m so lucky to have such a wonderful family!
Oh- and I got to wear my new, soft as down, Nashville fleecy jumper!

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