An active day...

A couple of people over here have set up a group for walking and swimming organised via a Facebook group. I spotted this group last week and joined. I couldn’t manage to get to last Saturday mornings walk but signed up for this evenings walk along the cliffs.

I checked the time of buses to the meeting point and duly caught the 5 o’clock bus from town. But traffic was horrendous and it was clear I had no chance of reaching the meeting place in time. I was just deciding to complete the circle back to town when I thought I should just get off the bus and walk to the meeting place. Which is good exactly what I did. It was the best part of half an hours walk and by the time I got there my step count was over12,000 with 40 floors climbed. I must have been out and about a fair bit during the day then...
We had a delightful walk along the cliffs at a fair old pace but wow some of those steps were very high.
By the time we returned to the car park the step count as well over 19,000 with 75 floors climbed...
Thankfully I got a lift home.
The photograph shows me resting after a particularly steep climb up some very high steps...

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