All things me

By KatiePie

Back to earth

I always find the morning after the night before really tricky when Mr KP and I manage to get away. There's the prospect of returning home, wanting to hang on to every last minute of peaceful together time, the desire to see my little people, the guilt that I ought to go back quickly and relieve whoever is babysitting. I never quite know how to approach it. Part of my weekend away or holiday's over, get back quick.. ?

This morning though we managed to read a bit of the paper in bed while drinking tea, have a fabulous breakfast, and drive home through Broadway, Winchcombe and Cheltenham for old times' sake. It was odd. The "scenic route" was my daily commute for over 5 years, bombing along in my little saxo in all weathers, often not even noticing the beautiful countryside around me.

We paused at the viewpoint near Birdlip to stop and look and take a photo or two and met these lovely cows. In the distance you can see the Malverns, meaning that we were looking out over 5 houses I'd lived in over the years from that point. Well kinda, Cheltenham town centre was a bit tucked around the corner behind a hill and you couldn't actually see any houses in Malvern, but you know what I mean..

Then in Cheltenham as we were trying to duck and weave our way to the new Whole Foods Market to get some macaroons for SIL to say thanks, the not quite remembering where the roads went, which one we should take or not. Again, we used to know all the shortcuts like the backs of our hands as we lived there for a few years. Strange how the passing of time re-prioritises your knowledge and lets you forget some things, yet remember others like they were yesterday.

Oh, the Whole Foods Market. WOW!!! It was heaving there today as it was Sunday and we didn't have time to browse, but I am definitely going on an expedition one day after paydayonce the kids are in school to go and mooch about. It was amazing!!

Please backblip to yesterday if you want this to make more sense lol

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