Campervan Kid

By Campervankid


Busy day today, took Tom swimming at Colchester swimming pool. I cannot believe I lived there for 3 years and have never been to the swimming pool, it is the best place ever! There are current machines, wave machines, water sprays, flumes, rapids and jacuzzis. Tom loved it but I am shattered from chasing him round the pool. Went and got him sausage and chips for lunch (his favourite) in the hope a long swim and full belly would tire him out, no chance of that!

Got home and my new goldfish has been badly beaten up! He is a bubble eye goldfish, both of the bubbles have been popped and some of his tail has been eaten. Was assessing his injuries when mr. eel, my weather loach, started eating his tail so at least I know who the culprit is. Mr. eel is now in isolation and will get him a new tank tomorrow, will have to find some more loaches for him to live with. Fingers crossed my little bubble eye will be ok, I feel so bad so given him lots of treats to make up for it.

I am starving so going to go cook dinner and then chill with a bottle of wine!

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