The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I have been VERY active today. Not sure what happened but it felt like someone had put a rocket up my bum.

I was given clearance by Physio Paul earlier in the week to start running again. I have to start really really slowly - one minute running, one minute waking and build it up. Very gradually. It’s going to be a long process but I’m just glad that I can start again. Running is something I feel like I need to do. My brain is a calmer place when I am exercising regularly. It helps me keep perspective and stops me falling down rabbit holes.

It was a lovely day so The Eldest Mini Princess and I cycled to Musselburgh and back. With an ice cream stop obviously. There’s no going back now I have discovered Luca’s mint choc chip! When EMP and I were at Jason Byrne, he had a rant about ‘look at me’ cyclists coming into cafes in clicky cycling shoes. There were lots of them in Luca’s and we giggled every time one passed.

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went for a walk with Murphy this afternoon. There was a bit of teenage resistance to unfairly dragging her out if the house and into the light but she brightened up and was very chatty. She has to make her subject choices this year and was musing about her future career. She is considering:

Cancer specialist
Something in business… like a CEO

Watch this space!

I was obviously far too tired to cook dinner after my excursions and I had a complete ‘hankering’ so The Prince was dispatched to hunt and gather fish and chips. We all watched Wonder and I even managed not to cry.

It has been a good weekend with no plans.


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