
By TeeJay

Playing with panning

Oh, it appears I did good to finally finish all my backblips as today is my 8th anniversary.  8 years of blipping and not a gap (now)!  Well I certainly didn't expect that when I began.

It definitely is an addictive place.  But blip wouldn't be the experience is is without you all.  The community is what makes this pace so special.

And it is a 'place' to me rather than just a 'website'.  Thank you all for being part of this.

I didn't realise this was a special day - so no celebratory blip - I'll have to try and do better next year!

I played with panning today. I didn't really do as well as I'd hoped to but a few shots were 'acceptable'.

We hosted a public duathlon at Opihi College today.  I was one of the volunteers and my job was to stand on part of the running 'track' to make sure everyone went the right way and didn't hurt themselves.

A great chance to play with movement.

I finally backblipped my Alaskan/Canadian trip today.  They start here if you're interested.

I don't blame you if you don't want to see them all; but I hope it will still be worth visiting these three.


Humpback Whale


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