Clean Slate

By cleanslate


Catching back up, back blip

“Wouldn’t it be nice to pop into Manchester, with the rascals, on the tram and take my camera in to be mended”, I mused to myself.

How... delightfully... naive...

No.2 son picked up a log stick on the way to the tram, which he refused to relinquish and no.1 son was total Rabbit in Headlights at the sights, sounds, smells of the Big City.

So I traipsed the streets between Piccadilly, the Northern Quarter and St Peter’s square, with one child skipping along swinging a branch and the other one clinging to my sleeve, quietly sharing little nuggets like, “Mummy, earlier on when I grabbed your elbow, it was only because there was a lady being sick. I don’t like it here :-/“

I walked through China Town, hoping to capture their imagination but it was a lost cause really by then. Finally we ate a quick picnic in St Peter’s Square (having abandoned plans to find the Vimto sculpture near the university for lunch) and, of course, there was a certain interest in our refreshments from the pigeons. No.1 son was Not Amused. Still, the bees we wanted to see were still in Central Library and we made it home in one piece. So can’t all be bad!

Fingers crossed for good news on the camera

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