
By bananablip


This image is a poor reflection of what an absolutely lovely day it's been today, but is literally one of about two pictures I took (just to show Rob, after our trip last weekend).

The sun shone today, hoorah. It never ceases to amaze me how much a little bit of sunshine can affect your mood. Number 19 was the venue for a little end of summer Moore reunion, as A&R and the boys were heading back to Oxford after some time in North Wales. It was gloriously sunny and so we were able to sit outside and sun ourselves as we reflected on an absolutely amazing summer. And then, of course, talk inevitably led to camping plans for next year. It's fair to say, even though senior Moores and myself were a little late to the game, we are now a family of campers.

All that talk of camping got me all excited for next summer and so a late afternoon trip to Go Outdoors accidentally happened. A tent with standing room is required and now is the best time to buy (or so I keep telling myself). So now I have gone to being the owner of not one, but two tents. What a loser.

And then, since we were in the car anyway, and since the sun was still shining, SS and I took a ridiculously spontaneous trip to IKEA for some browsing and a late tea.

It's been a great day, and I'm only sorry that my only visible record of it is the picture of a stroopwafel.

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