God Bless Lili St Cyr

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Here's a picture of an ashtray that we nicked acquired from The Witchery in 2003.

As I remember, me and Cazza went there for a Valentine's Day meal. Feefs came too. I know that doesn't sound very romantic but it seemed mean to leave her home alone. (This was when she moved in with us for a few months for her Overseas Experience).

In fact, it must have been Feefs who half-inched that ashtray. Yes, that was it. Ahem.

Of course, neither of us smoke these days so now the ashtray has been promoted to its new job as "used tea bag thingy".

But back to today. It is the first day of Spring! So Cazza tells me. It was in fact beautiful out there and I suggested a brief walk to Cazza who immediately came down with the vapours and had to be revived with sal volatile. 

So we didn't go for a walk. Instead we've had a productive day doing important paperwork and tidying the flat. 

We've also both had independent moments of "Oh, do you remember one year ago...?" We are so relieved that the process of upending our lives is well behind us.

In fact today I started the process of finally closing down my UK contracting company. Then it's a matter of shutting down UK accounts and getting the rest of my UK pesos* changed over to dollars. 

And then that will be it. We will be fully Kiwified.

After that, the next major step is buying our own place, but we are still working on the deposit for that. I suspect that will be another year on from now, at this rate.


* Theresa May to announce "Brexit is a bloody stupid idea, we've decided to bin it," the day after I do this, obviously.

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