Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Friday — “Someday”

If I were going to put all my written words in a book, I’m pretty sure I know what I would name that book . . . even though I cherish memories and linger in them too often, I also live in the land of “Someday.” I realize that’s a place where life intersects with dreams to become reality.

The past fourteen-plus months Mr. Fun & I have been on a journey of downsizing and have been planning for the day when both of us will be retired. So this past May we moved back to the home we vacated 24 years ago . . . a home we lived in for 28 years . . . a home my parents purchased in 1964 and we bought it from them in 1970. Restoration and refurbishing has been the goal while our little and old house sat empty this past year. We ran into lots of obstacles and snags and a few serious blunders. But we kept moving forward, and our big home wasn’t selling, so we weren’t hitting a deadline. The kitchen in the little house was my focus. I thought, “Someday this is going to be a kitchen again.” I wasn’t sure when “someday” would arrive; I just believed that it would arrive.

Then the end of May we moved-in to the little and old house with no kitchen appliances. Thankfully we were gone most of the summer. But summer was not endless . . . so we came back.

Well, today was the day; today was “Someday.” At 10:00 o’clock this morning, a truck backed into the driveway. Three seriously amazingly wonderful appliances were offloaded and brought into the house. By 1:00 the kitchen was fully functioning.

Today my faith in “Someday” increased. This is not our “forever” kitchen. We already have that in Cayucos, but this kitchen, in this little and old SoCal house, improved 100% today and is now going to escort us to retirement; well actually me. Mr. Fun is already retired.

I think I am in love with “Someday.” Is anyone else in the “Someday” Fan Club?

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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