
By hannahstar

Yet another butterfly!

This butterfly came with a bunch of flowers my mum was given ages ago! Now I have it in my room. :)

I only had 3 lessons and so I came home early. Went to work at half 3.
We had a really crazy club in the evening! We made a 3 course meal for 4 couples in the church (including my parents!). This was because they had all had us in their homes for different club activities in the past so the meal was like a thank you. I was in charge of making the starters. It was really manic when we were plating up but once the food was out peace reigned again! Anyway, I spent the evening helping to cook things, eating a lot of left over food and generally going mad! At one point Anna, Anna and I were sent over to the church hall to get some coffee cups. We ended up spending ages in the kitchen singing REALLY loudly and dancing and generally going crazy crazy crazy!!! It was so much fun just to let our hair down and go wild! :D
Anyway, generally a good day :)

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