
By Mindseye

A little warmth

After a so so night we were woken up early by the b****y builders again, then the dustbin men.....so up we hot!

Our hairdresser was due....she was late, as usual, but we were done in good time to meet our neighbours for a pre arranged little trip out for coffee and cake ;-) We needed to buy more coffee beans, so a little trip to Roberts Roastery, yes, again ;-)!

We got back around 4, I had a couple of things to do on the laptop, whilst hub mowed the back lawn. The afternoon was lovely, with some sunshine that brought out the butterflies briefly........so this had to be my blip!

We had a quick tea, before getting ready for the quiz. We came second again, same as last week, so more winnings in our kitty ;-)

Just having a little nightcap now before turning in.

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