In My Life...

By steeble

Started out with nothing

Not a lot to report today. Work then out for some photographs.

I originally wanted some pictures of the moon but it was too low for the shot I wanted so I went down the Quayside in Newcastle/Gateshead for a night time shot of the Tyne. for some reason I was drawn more to the Millennium bridge than the Tyne bridge. Yes its another black and white but I've got a bit of a thing for them at the moment in case you hadn't

At one of my clients houses today we had quite an in depth discussion about me, my history and how I became who I am today. So because of that I've named this blip after the song by Sea Sick Steve. Not my usual sort of music link but such a cool bloke and his music is very real.(he recorded his first album on a cassette in his kitchen). I seen him at Leeds festival 4 year ago. He was brilliant.

Hope you like.....

Don't forget Sub-Sunday tomorrow..... Link someones journal to your write up that isn't as appreciated as it should be. :-)

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