Late Summer

Yes, you guessed it. A long, busy day.

And yes, it was varied too. Some days that might be a euphemism for "living on your nerves", but today wasn't as "varied" as that. I only had two sex offenders on my task list, so that's not too bad. 

I cycled to and from work again - 3 days in a row is wonderful after a few weeks of less predictable weather. 

In the evening I drove 20 minutes west to Inverkeithing. There's a local council by-election there next week and some of us had volunteered to help  with the campaign. We spent over an hour walking the streets, ringing doorbells and encouraging supporters to get out and vote. It will be close. 

I came out of one garden, turned left and came face to face with farmland - looking good in the late evening sun. Blipped. 

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