
So today I had both girls while Rach was at work, and we've had a day out to the Bents Garden Centre with Alan's mum.  It might sound strange place to spend the day, but Rach suggested it, as they have a great play area for kids, including a Jurassic mini golf course, with huge dinosaurs and also an indoor sandpit where the girls played quite happily.

We picked Norma up at about 10.15am and we didn't leave until about 3pm, but could have stayed even longer!  It really is a lot more than just a garden centre though, having lots of different shops, a food court with a tapas bar as well as the main restaurant which has about 4 or 5 different menus - we really were spoilt for choice when we went to have lunch!

Rach was home from work when we got back so I nipped to M & S on my own as I had some vouchers to spend, and as Rach and I are having a girls' night out tomorrow night, I wanted to get a new top as I haven't brought anything with me suitable for going out for dinner - I ended up buying two, but only actually spent £12 in addition to the vouchers, so not too bad.

Rachel & Scott are having their garden landscaped at the moment and this morning the garden labourers arrived, and proceeded to pile a load of cobble stones on the drive right in front of my car - why they didn't think to knock and the door and ask me to move the car is beyond me!  Anyway, we were upstairs at the time, so I opened the patio door in Rachel's bedroom and shouted down to them that I would be going out shortly - they looked at the blocks, laughed and said they'd move them.  The next thing I saw them disappearing up the road with their coffee cups in their hands and I said to Scarlett that if they didn't come back, we'd need to move them ourselves which she thought was a great idea!  After about 5/10 minutes I really did think they'd disappeared and sent Rach a message to tell her, but then I saw them coming back down the road with a wheelbarrow - thank goodness!

Day 2 of Nanny Duty seemed to go down well, tomorrow I have just Scarlett as Violet will be at nursery, and there's more fun planned!

I wanted to get a nice photo of both girls, but Violet wasn't the best model today, as she wouldn't sit still and wouldn't look at the camera most of the time. This image isn't particularly sharp, but Rachel really likes it, and as it's the only one where they're both looking at me, it had to be my blip choice for today.

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