alice's adventures

By aliceblips

The Orlando bunting

I made it for Orlando for his first birthday.

It's made out of old cot sheets and pyjamas, an old pair of Finlay's shorts and some gingham his aunty once used to make a fancy dress outfit, oh and some off-cuts from Granny's bathroom curtains.

It's proper bunting.

I once borrowed the village church bunting for a summer fair I was organising and when I carefully packed it all away I accidentally put the Orlando bunting in the the box too for safe keeping. When it came to Orlando's next birthday I couldn't find it and I cried.

Some months later someone from the church unpacked their bunting and found it and tracked me down. It's been put up for his birthday every year since.

I keep it somewhere very safe and memorable these days.

It was his 'school friends' party today.

He'll be six on Monday.

I expect the bunting will stay up until Christmas.

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