
By ineffable

Best Friends

I have no idea if I have said it before. But German men have redeemed my view of men. In general I find them to be some of the most incredible men I have met anywhere. I know it sounds weird, and I always thought that when people said the same about Texas women... There is nothing special about us. We were just born in Texas. I think I might be beginning to understand.

These are two newer friends of mine and they are quickly becoming some of my favorite men here (C - left M - right). They are best friends. This is crème brûlée, C prepared it for his birthday dinner. It was an incredible evening that bordered on magical. I have to say that C & M made it for me and at the end of the night when they kept playing Amsterdam, holding my hand and proclaiming, "DAS IST LIEBE! Wie emotional, WARTE, WARTE, geht so sehr intinsiv...JETZT!" With all of their hearts, and then of course at the proper red wine induced moment, seemingly nostalgic for the respective moments that had made the song so emotional... It was priceless. And I drank in every ounce.

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