
By FreePetHair

Wet Monkey

In true me fashion, I ended up in a panic that I had so much to do at the last minute, rushed through it all, and now am killing time before I get dressed to go to the baby shower. Woke up in the middle of the night remembering I forgot to assemble the last flying monkey. Then I couldn't find the craft glue to glue his eyes on so I just went back to bed. Here he is this morning, glue drying, looking obviously rushed and a bit skinny and reflecting way too much my own feelings about the weather by wearing a winter hat when the other monkeys got smaller, cooler hats. At any rate, I have not wrapped most of the goodies I made for the baby. I tend to overdo it and then it turns into a 'look what I can do' show instead of what the event is intended for. Parents-to-be can open those later. Plus I haven't gotten decent pics of any of it after Chicken broke one of my light-box lamps. Anyway, have to stop on the way and pick up some hummus because mine turned out too spicy for the average consumer and I am not in the mood to try and fail any more this week.

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