It's all been a bit horse

Started off the morning with a really nice ride out on Joe with Margaret on Woody. Ended up on top of this hill with beautiful views. We did 20km but it didn't feel like it.

Time for lunch... I was starving! Followed by a wander at Lyde with the dogs. 

Then off to take Brie to the vets to see what's happening inside her injured tendon. She stood without moving a muscle for the 20 or more minutes it took to clip her front legs and then do a scan of each to compare good against bad. Good news, all the tendon fibers are straight and there are no squiggly bits or holes. Which means she should have a full recovery. Just more time needed. I SO miss riding her. She's totally not everyone's cup of tea, but she is mine. With bells on.

After tucking her back in to her field with Mr Billy, myself and Gorgeous hot footed it to Kirkwall to have an interview with the Coastguards to volunteer our time.

A full but awesome day from start to finish. 

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