Pardon peppers

#2 daughter and family came as their house is still in uproar with builders. She is upset as a neighbour came and shouted at her saying it had all gone on too long, the noise was awful, and they were sick of the mess. She is distraught by the aggression but kept her cool, apologised and tried to diffuse the situation. She’s been so relaxed for so long about now is fed up too as they have had to live in chaos for 23 weeks with 2 small boys. I’m impressed she can understand how it is awful for the neighbour, but it is I think unreasonable to be so aggressive and shouting etc.

Anyway they have come to get away from it all. Lots of tears and talk. I made treats including these peppers and hopefully she’ll get a good sleep and we’ll take the boys out for the day and she can chill.

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