Atlantic Air

After Ernesto's majestic entry into Italian airspace yesterday we managed to find a high altitude forest this evening with a temperature of just 9C. So weird to be in cold clean clear beautiful Atlantic air. Clouds hugged the mountain tops, the sun was fitful, the wind was brisk and I did three hours strimming without getting heat exhaustion and/or horsefly bites.

The Atlantic anticyclone is forecast to build again with temps up into the 30s by the end of the week. But today it felt like winter had arrived in a booming coup de theatre. As an orange moon rose through a rapidly clearing sky I could have sworn there was frost in the air. Which would put paid to all those tomatoes, peppers, aubergine, melons and etcetera that still grace the garden that is the 'Orto di Ca' di Bati'.

The cicadas sing on oblivious.

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