Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Wooden Jesus

evening all

A couple of trips over to Lindisfarne beckoned.

I don't like it.

 It feels strange and semi manufactured  and as if we are invading , bit like that stupid Portmerrion place in Wales or when you "stumble across" a Masai village in Kenya and they have a gift shop selling plastic mementos of "authentic" village life.

A third of the people trying to preserve a way of life, a third of them given over to the rampant unyielding demands of the tourist pound, and the final third mute with anger, surly with strangers and trapped in a spiral of contempt and need, with no clear sight of their direction.

Other than that, it was lovely!

Never mind, "the world's the same, there's just less in it"

night all

temple of the dog

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