A Glass Act...

Somebody (it may have been Sartre) once wrote that hell is other people. I can only assume he said this after a quick visit to the Edinburgh fringe...

I'm all for an arts festival on my doorstep (apart from those bloody Ladyboys, who aren't so much on my doorstep as practically in my sitting room!) but you can't so much as nip out for a pint of milk (you could have a pint of beer...but Festival prices make it over a fiver a pint!) without having a hundred leaflets thrust into your hand by hopeful thespians, or having to squish yourself into a doorway until the Silent Disco people have shimmied past you, screeching Proclaimers songs, and tap dancing over your flower beds.

When I become Queen/First Minister/Ruler of Edinburgh. I shall cut the Festival down to a fortnight, make it illegal to charge £6 for a lukewarm G&T, and send the feckin' Ladyboys elsewhere. Bangkok for instance....

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