
I did not get a chance to follow the example of this butterfly.

Off to the north of the city early to sort out something before the gardening and craft show this coming Friday. Quick shop. Then off to the south of the city to visit my aunt: where the butterfly was spotted.

Then down to North Berwick to take my mother shopping and sort out some things for her. (Spotted an Etype Jag in superb condition which nearly made the blip). See extra.

Back home to cut the grass (back garden only). Such grass as exists in the front is in a stone strewn wilderness.

Then the hunt began for things I need for the show. Over 6 months ago when we were clearing out rooms ahead of the works, I thought we would at least have been putting things into new cupboards by now. Instead we continue to live in one of those houses that you see TV programmes about. So I spent a few hours crawling amongst the stour and boxes trying to collect what is needed. Frustratingly even reasonably large sized objects still elude me. And the trip switch for the lights still keeps blowing.

Back after 8; dinner; then on with admin preparations, followed by some paperwork into the early hours for the hospital radio unit.

The butterfly looks so peaceful!

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